Monday, January 2, 2012

Watch Me Rise

2012; a new year, and I am hoping, a new me.
I've never been one for resolutions or anything like that so I won't start now. However, as a way to better communicate to people I am not physically close to ( especially my best friend Robert) I am starting this blog. I'm not narcissistic enough to think that an awful lot of people will read this, but I am hoping some old friends will, and perhaps, some new friends too.

It's only day 2 of 2012, but already huge changes are underway. So maybe they were changes that started in 2011.. they are really coming into effect now so I can claim it right?
My boyfriend, and best friend Jordan moved into my apartment in November, and it has really started to look a lot like a home the two of us share. We hardly argue which is fantastic, but we hardly see each other, which is not so fantastic. I have worked 65 days with only 3 days off, since he moved in.. so we really haven't had a lot of time together, I am expecting this to change though.

Another huge change is that my other best friend Robert Caldwell has just left ( literally 24 hours ago) to embark on an amazing journey at Disneyland in America. He is one of the only people I know, and still like (love) after four years of friendship, and I am desperately sad to see him leave. I know he will be returning home in just over a year, but life changes, and who knows what will be happening this time next year. I am just hoping that we can keep in touch, as I do not know whatever I would do without him in my life in some shape or form.

The biggest change of all, however, is that I have resigned from my position at Target, to begin my Human Resource career at a small, but growing, accounting firm in Brisbane. This is a huge step for me, and one I wasn't sure I could make.. however, it is the best step for not only my career, but also my mental and physical wellbeing. I have spent the better part of eight years at Target, giving a huge amount of my strength to a company that doesn't necessarily care. I love it, and I am so sad to leave, but I do think it is a very important step to move on with my life. I feel as though I am losing a part of myself, as I finish up with Target this week, and I hope that is not the case.. but we will have to wait and see.

Anyway; I have set myself the challenge to become a stronger writer, and a more honest writer. So I hope this blog gives me the power to do so.

In this blog you an expect to see me rant and rave about TV Series, people I meet, adventures I go on, JGF ( Boyfriend), Robert Caldwell (Best friend) and cameos from my family and a few other dear friends. I hope you get to know me, as I get to know myself a little better.

Until tomorrow; good-night.

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