Friday, January 27, 2012

Work-Life Balance

This summer, I have been taking a semester at Griffith; just to stay on top of my classes, and avoid having to spend much longer studying before graduating. The subject I am taking this semester is called Business Communications, it is a very straight forward subject basically about how to communicate effectively, the importance of self empowerment etc.

It has led me to think about work-life balance. I have a lot of thing on my 'to-do' list this year, however, in order to get them done I need to take some time out. When I worked in retail, I worked 5 days a week ( weekends included) and went to uni 3-4 days a week. This literally lead to not one single day off in a week, and then if you remember when I mentioned in my first post on here, I worked for 3 months straight between my new and old jobs. I have always found excuses to work and work... but for no real reason.
I honestly think that I work so much so that I have an excuse if I don't achieve my goals, or to avoid making commitments.
What a terrible concept.

So this year I am making more of an effort to have a better work-life balance, I still enjoy working a lot, and I definitely want to continue working, however, I have stopped text messaging or answering my phone after a certain point of the night ( I make exceptions if it's urgent, ie. someone calling two or three times in a row). I force myself to take some time away from my phone and all social media, in order to just reflect on my week and often just to zone out and actually stop thinking for once. It's something I have trouble doing, so I have to make a conscious effort.

I am considering speaking to my boss and asking for one day a week where I can work from home, in order to use my faster internet connection to achieve work goals, but also for the health of my mind. I strongly believe that 'flexi-hours' are businesses best untapped resource. I am aware that it isn't possible for all trades, but for most, if you trust in your employee, and give these flexi-hours, they will actually end up working more (and harder). Flexi hours can even be allowing staff to start 1 hour earlier or later, and then finishing at the time corresponding ie. 7-4, 8-5, 9-6.. or allowing a 40 hour week to be completed in hours that the employee choose.
I don't think managers and bosses are creative enough anymore. It's time to revolutionise the work week.

But for now, I will do my best to take some time for me, make an effort to visit friends and continue to work hard in my regular 8-5 hours of work.

How would you change your work week?

Everybody has to know for themselves what they're capable of..

Monday, January 23, 2012

Revolution Boulevard

There are some weeks, some days, some hours... well I mean, come on, there are some minutes, some seconds some moments; where I look around, around my world, my life, my mind and I think, " Wow, my life is amazing. LIFE itself, is amazing."

That just happened to me while washing the dishes. It is pouring with rain outside, and I am tired and I have a sore back. I have feelings of guilt as I am neglecting my school work, but wow... I am so happy for this moment.

Yesterday i had a great day with my best friend Jamie at Big Day Out. We ate Mexican ( as always) and drank overpriced beers; we laughed, we danced and we laughed some more. Those are the types of days that need to happen more often, although I'm sure I wouldn't appreciate them as much if they happened all the time. Thanks to the world for making such awesome people. To the few that I have regretfully neglected in the last few days. I retreated somewhat from my phone, sorry for that- I just needed it.

Sometimes all I can muster up are short updates like these, I'm sorry ( to myself), I'm just exhausted right now. I want to write more, I love writing. I will get there again soon, I just need to set aside the time.

Anyway; off to make nachos for dinner ( What did I say about Mexican?)

Currently listening to: Mariachi El Bronx- Map of the World

Monday, January 16, 2012

How to be a good friend

Just some ideals that I have learned, and had other people suggest. Some of which I am working harder to become.

  • Show genuine interest.
    Let them know you care. Express genuine interest by asking questions. Get them talking. I find the act of talking and thinking about something you are genuinely interested in and having someone genuinely happy to hear about it is one of the best feelings in the world.

  • Acknowledge what’s important to them.
    When you acknowledge what’s important to others, you provide a form of affirmation and validation about who they are and what they’re doing. Whether they can admit it or not, everyone craves this acknowledgment. The affirmation and validation of this is an amazing confidence and self-esteem booster.

  • Say “Well done”.
    Let people know they’ve done a good job when they have! Nothing worth doing is ever easy. Worthwhile things always takes time and effort. One good way of providing encouragement to your friend is simply by saying “Well done” or “Congratulations”. These words can sometimes make all the difference between “keep going” and “give up”.

  • SAY “THANK YOU”!!!
    Common courtesy! Good manners. It’s only natural to expect a reward after hard work. It’s only natural to thank someone when they do something for you. Say thank you to someone right now. Thank the producers of Arrested Development for FINALLY deciding to make a movie, thank your friend for going with you to see it. A simple thank you lets others know what they have done is worthwhile and meaningful to you.

    If someone does something nice for you, show your appreciation and simply reciprocate the favour. Think of it as a pendulum. They do something nice for you. You do something nice for them. They do something nice for you.. what a world!

  • Ask for advice or confide in your friends.
    This is almost like flattery. Haven’t you felt like you were on top of the world when someone asked you for advice or confided in you about something personal or important to them? Didn’t that make you want to help and do everything you can? But don't ask so many questions you start to sound whingey.. nobody likes that

  • Offer to lend a hand!
    Waiting for someone to ask you for advice is passive. You can be proactive and a sick cunt by offering to lend a hand. If that person sees that you are willing to commit your own time and energy in their interests, they will be more committed to seeing it through and less likely to give up themselves.
Just another list from Marlee Kate Wiseman

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lists, lists lists

No, this isn't the title for Destiny's Child's new song ( ala Bills, bills, bills), it is an idea of things I've been thinking about lately. It's psychologically proven that lists help people 'sort their lives out', and although I'm not necessarily looking to sort mine out, I am looking for a way to quantify my goals/desires, and keep on top of them. So I've decided to make a few lists.
Today I fill share my first ( besides grocery lists) list:

This year I want to:
  • Go on a cruise
  • Swim under a waterfall
  • Host a dinner party
  • Visit 1 new state ( S.A, Tasmania or W.A)
  • Go Camping
  • Attend a stand-up comedian's show
  • Create a treasure hunt
  • Go on a road trip
  • Meet new people/ make new friends
  • Get my learner's license
  • Make my blog (this one right here!) more successful
  • Pass all my classes
  • Spend 1 week in Melbourne

I'm sure I will add more to this list; but right now these are my challenges for the year. Maybe some of you can help me make that possible (whoever you may be).
Do you make lists like these?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Food; my lover, and my enemy

Everyone who knows me, knows that I have a problem saying 'no' to food... I'm not a glutton in the sense that I want to eat all food, but a glutton in the sense of over-indulgence. There are some 'food groups' that I knowingly love, those food groups are Mexican and Chocolate..and wherever possible Chocolate Mexican. I'm not overly experimental ( much to my brother's dislike), but in the last 12 months or so I have actually broadened my taste buds a little ( Helloooo Subway!.. seriously, I've only started eating subway in the last 18 months).

In an effort to continue with my healthy mental state, healthy life shtick I have going on I am adjusting my diet. I have started eating dinner regularly.. as in actually eating food after about 4pm. Tonight for instance, I am having chicken, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. I am taking my lunch to work/uni with me. So far it's been peanut butter sandwiches and muesli bars, but hey! It's an effort right? The other positive about my new job is that it is not close to any food places..of any kind. So no more fast food being my easy option two or three days a week. Now I must bring my lunch.. or starve.. lunch it is!! I know this is the loser's way out of saying no to temptation, but we all have to start somewhere.

This week, I intend to try eating vegemite on toast for breakfast, as well as juice and a banana.
I am also going to buy things like yoghurt, bananas, and other delicious treats for meals and snacks.. I often eat poached eggs with turkey on wholemeal bread which I love!! I'm willing to make these changes, but sometimes I know I can be a little lazy and just pick the easier option.. like a block of chocolate, or simply not eating at all, but this time I am hoping to make a permanent change.

Do you find it easy to change your diet?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dinner alone, but not lonely

Last night, I was alone for dinner and I chose to enjoy my meal outside in the lovely warm weather on my balcony. It was great, and I enjoy my own company (usually).

Today, as well as having a fantastic shopping day with my friend Alex, I went on a lovely walk to my local beauty salon Milton Skin and Beauty to get a spray tan for the upcoming festivities. I decided that today, I would walk a different way to the salon. I had never walked it before, but had driven through multiple times, and I was quite sure of the way. Along my walk, I got to thinking about how beautiful it was to be outside in the sun, and just wandering along listening to music. It was fantastic ( remember, I have missed out on this.. the whole 65 days of work thing) to be outside enjoying my alone time. In the last few days I have been lucky enough to spend some quality time with myself, and it has felt great. I work in a very emotionally tiring job; being helpful and happy all day long can really weigh down every now and again, so it has been fantastic just to sit around quietly and spend some time with my number 1 fan ( myself).

Don't get me wrong, I am not some crazy hermit or cat lady, and although more often than not, I wish I could be, I know I am far too talkative, and cats just are not responsive enough! Even though I love to be left alone for awhile, I am absolutely chuffed I have amazing people like Alex in my life, to spend the day shopping, trying on clothes, and judging which variation of red/brown/orange/purple nail polish would be best. In the last 12 months of so, Alex and my friendship has definitely blossomed. It has evolved from socialising at work, to talking most days, even if it just be sarcastic remarks about work/people/TV shows. It is her passion for literacy and learning, that has pushed me to rekindle my love for the L's, and I thank her for that.

Tomorrow is my last shift at Target, and then we are going out for drinks to celebrate the end of an era. Hopefully I'll have a few photos to share, we'll see. Anyway, best be off. I'm trying to convince JGF to take me out for ice cream!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Give her a chance

That is definitely something I need to say to myself more often. I think I can be my own worst enemy sometimes. I often find myself setting goals or challenges that I know are more or less unattainable..and then when I do not achieve them I get angry! I think sometimes, I set myself up to fail, so that I avoid actually failing at something that I either a) really wanted to achieve or b) should easily achieve. Truthfully, I am terrified of failure.

Today I had my first session back at the gym, and I had met up with a trainer to create a routine that I can use when I go to the gym. For the record, I have done this several times in the past and always become rather lazy. This will be different. However, instead of trying to make it easier on myself, I skipped breakfast (Much to JGF's disgust), and about 3/4 the way through my workout, I was pretty sure I was going to faint... reallll good start Marlee. So I have sworn to myself, turkey and eggs for breakfast, especially before working out.

I've asked JGF and other close friends to read my blog, not only just so they are aware I love them or anything, but to ensure I stay hones with myself, with my writing, and I suppose in a way..with them. Too often I avoid communicating the things that are on my mind, may out of cowardice, or maybe because sometimes, after communicating with people for eight or so hours a day.. I really just want to sit down, and be in and out of my mind for a few hours. Either way, it is most definitely something I need to work on.
Do you notice qualities in yourself that you need to work on, whoever you are?

Today's quote:
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth."
- Oscar Wilde

Note: I am going to try and change this for myself.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

We live in a fantasy world, where everything's possible, and everything's fun

I'm going to change that, and hopefully make this a year where everything is possible, and everything is fun. Well as much as I can anyway.

Today was my second last shift at Target, and I had to already say good-bye to some great co-workers. That makes me really sad, but realistically, I know I won't see a lot of them again. The day was actually pretty good, and it was even better when Robert Caldwell surprise called me. Always love a phone call. Have I linked you to his blog? Here it is: - everyone should read it and stay up to date with his Aussie/American life. I think it's going to be pretty awesome.

Tomorrow I'm starting back at the gym, with a midmorning work out with a trainer and JGF. It should be pretty good, I'm looking forward to getting back into routine (If only it was a GTL routine...)

Short and sweet tonight, I'm home alone..and that means relaxing in my underwear, catching up on trashy reality TV and continuing on with my re-watching The Secret Life Of Us series.

Today's mantra: Life only sucks, if you do

Monday, January 2, 2012

Watch Me Rise

2012; a new year, and I am hoping, a new me.
I've never been one for resolutions or anything like that so I won't start now. However, as a way to better communicate to people I am not physically close to ( especially my best friend Robert) I am starting this blog. I'm not narcissistic enough to think that an awful lot of people will read this, but I am hoping some old friends will, and perhaps, some new friends too.

It's only day 2 of 2012, but already huge changes are underway. So maybe they were changes that started in 2011.. they are really coming into effect now so I can claim it right?
My boyfriend, and best friend Jordan moved into my apartment in November, and it has really started to look a lot like a home the two of us share. We hardly argue which is fantastic, but we hardly see each other, which is not so fantastic. I have worked 65 days with only 3 days off, since he moved in.. so we really haven't had a lot of time together, I am expecting this to change though.

Another huge change is that my other best friend Robert Caldwell has just left ( literally 24 hours ago) to embark on an amazing journey at Disneyland in America. He is one of the only people I know, and still like (love) after four years of friendship, and I am desperately sad to see him leave. I know he will be returning home in just over a year, but life changes, and who knows what will be happening this time next year. I am just hoping that we can keep in touch, as I do not know whatever I would do without him in my life in some shape or form.

The biggest change of all, however, is that I have resigned from my position at Target, to begin my Human Resource career at a small, but growing, accounting firm in Brisbane. This is a huge step for me, and one I wasn't sure I could make.. however, it is the best step for not only my career, but also my mental and physical wellbeing. I have spent the better part of eight years at Target, giving a huge amount of my strength to a company that doesn't necessarily care. I love it, and I am so sad to leave, but I do think it is a very important step to move on with my life. I feel as though I am losing a part of myself, as I finish up with Target this week, and I hope that is not the case.. but we will have to wait and see.

Anyway; I have set myself the challenge to become a stronger writer, and a more honest writer. So I hope this blog gives me the power to do so.

In this blog you an expect to see me rant and rave about TV Series, people I meet, adventures I go on, JGF ( Boyfriend), Robert Caldwell (Best friend) and cameos from my family and a few other dear friends. I hope you get to know me, as I get to know myself a little better.

Until tomorrow; good-night.